What to Expect: Your Dog’s First Appointment

By |2022-07-09T09:46:04+00:00May 23rd, 2022|Categories: Appointment 1, Dog, Health & Wellness, Puppy, Videos|

Perhaps you're bringing home a new family member, or just looking for a change of vet, but we're happy to be seeing you at River Valley! Your first appointment can be a little stressful if you're not sure what to expect. Today, our veterinary technician Tiana will walk you through what we usually do at [...]

House breaking your puppy

By |2022-07-09T09:48:21+00:00May 21st, 2022|Categories: Appointment 1, Puppy, Training|

House Breaking Download The PDF If you’re having some problems house breaking your puppy, you’re not alone. Some dogs train more easily than others. The sooner your puppy begins the “patterns” of house breaking the better, so that bad habits don’t develop and become a permanent problem. Here are some suggestions: CRATE [...]

Encouraging Puppies and Kittens to Be More Social and Easier to Handle

By |2022-07-09T09:49:23+00:00May 21st, 2022|Categories: Appointment 1, Kitten, Puppy, Training, Training|

Encouraging Puppies and Kittens to Be More Social and Easier to Handle Download The PDF Some kittens and puppies are a little shy and naturally a bit more afraid of strangers, especially some children and men. Some young pets have difficulties with new experiences and situations. Behaviorists and veterinarians now understand [...]

Help!My Puppy is Biting!

By |2022-07-09T09:50:04+00:00May 21st, 2022|Categories: Appointment 1, Puppy|

Help! My Puppy is Biting! Download The PDF While it won’t heal those punctures on your hands and ankles any faster, it may be comforting to know that if your puppy is biting you are not alone. Mouthing and biting are normal (but not desirable) behaviors and essentially all puppies will bite. [...]

Distemper (DA2PP)-CORE Vaccine

By |2022-07-09T09:54:17+00:00May 21st, 2022|Categories: Appointment 1, Puppy, Vaccines & Medications|

Distemper (DA2PP)-CORE Vaccine-Recommended for all dogs and puppies Download The PDF Canine Distemper (D) Canine Distemper is a highly contagious viral respiratory disease of dogs. It is very common in wildlife (fox, skunks, raccoons), and very capable of infecting non-vaccinated dogs. Canine Distemper is characterized by discharge from the [...]

Bordetella & Canine Influenza Virus (CIV)

By |2022-07-09T09:55:34+00:00May 6th, 2022|Categories: Appointment 1, Puppy, Vaccines & Medications|

Bordetella Download The PDF Bordetella bronchiseptica Bordetella is a highly contagious bacterial respiratory disease of dogs. It is common anywhere there are large numbers of dogs or puppies present thus giving it the common name of “Kennel Cough.” Most often noticed is a cough lasting anywhere from a few [...]

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